Meanchey Primary School

Location Siem Reap Province.

  • The Meanchey Primary School has three buildings – two concrete and one wooden. Total there are 10 classrooms with a Kindergarten. In the wooden building, three classrooms are in disrepair.

  • In the concrete building there are eight rooms – one for the Principal and the other to store breakfast meals donated by W UN World Food Programme.

  • The other six classrooms are utilized for grade one to grade six.

    Total students: 350 with girls 179 and boys 171. Ages range from 6 to 18 years old.

    Total students in Kindergarten: 35 children with girls 18 and boys 17 Ages from 3 years to 5 years old

    Teachers: 7 and Principal's name is Chaylon

    The state of this school is terrible, unfit for decent learning.

    Students learn only in the morning time from 7.30-11am. There is no class in the afternoon. There is a water pump in the school but it has been broken for a long time.

    The students come mainly from Prey Chrouk Village. Here families make their living on rice cultivation and growing some vegetables. Livelihood is subsistence.

    Villagers collect water from the pond on the left. The condition of water is not drinkable and is used only for for washing, bathing and watering the vegetable gardens

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